Monday, 5 January 2009

Back to the grind stone

Well, Christmas is over, I'm half a stone heavier, and it's my first day back at work. Oh the fucking joy. What's more, it's appraisal season at work, which means I have to fill in a million forms saying how great (or otherwise) I am at just about every aspect of my job so my boss can tell me if they agree or not.
On a lighter note, it snowed last night. I like the snow, I know lots of people don't - they moan about the driving or whatever, but being a non-driver, and not having to leave the house unless I want to, I think it's pretty nice. Makes everything look clean and pretty for a while, even though as with all things that are clean and pretty, it soon turns to slush.
I managed to get out for a run today. I only did 3 miles before turning grey and wanting to puke - though I have had man flu, and as we all know, it takes almost 2 months to get over that. Also, I've still not stopped smoking, even though I said I would in the new year. Though to be fair, I've only had 1 ciggy today, which makes me practically a non-smoker.
Thanks to the folks who commented on my short story (below). As soon as I write something interesting I'll post that too so people can congratulate/ridicule me as they see fit.
I really need to add some pics to this blog to brighten it up a bit, I'll see what I can do over the next couple of days.

Oh, and Matt Smith is the new Dr Who. I mention this as I've met him - which from now on will be my claim to fame. He was a very nice chap indeed.


Lesley said...

I enjoyed reading your posts. Your dry British sense of humor is wonderful. Or maybe you're not being funny, you're just seriously depressed. If that's the case, I hope you won't take offense.

Keep at it! Blogging is a great way to try out ideas and story lines.

Madame DeFarge said...

Your first day sounded like mine, so you have my sympathies. Just think, filling out the appraisal forms (yes, I have that to look forward to aswell) gives you a chance to think of a million synonyms for 'challenging' and 'interesting'. Such a laugh for us managers. that should break anyone's writers block.

Leon1234 said...

Hello, fellow writer! How are you doing?

Christian Marie said...

Good blog. I am a new at blogging myself and really appreciate seeing how others take to their blogs. It's a little nerve racking at first, isn't it?

Look forward to reading more!

Writers Block said...

Hi folks,

LESLEY - no, not depressed, at least not today. And don't worry, I don't take offence easily!

Anonymous said...

Interesting and amusing read... =)

Thanks for sharing.

Paradox Philic said...

Hey i like snow too :)